Hand-Carved Wooden Thrush Nightingale
Weight:0,051 kg
Size:L: 125 x W: 49 x H: 99 mm
Materials:Hand carved wood, environmentally friendly paint
Other:Informative booklet with facts about the bird is included.
The nightingale is a bird surrounded by myth. Its appearance is unremarkable, but its song is rich and varied, especially at night. It’s greyish brown with a dash or reddish brown on wings and tail. When the nightingale reaches its Eurasian nesting areas in the spring, the male starts singing and continues through June. It prefers nesting in dense shrubbery close to the ground where it can find insects, berries, and worms. In August, the migration to southeast Africa begins.
Thrush Nightingale in other Languaged
Scientific name: Luscinia luscinia
Dutch: Noordse Nachtegaal
French: Rossignol progné
German: Sprosser
Italian: Usignolo maggiore
Spanish: Ruiseñor Ruso
Swedish: Näktergal