We have created our website more as a catalogue for our customers who come and visit us with all the product we have in stock and not to extend our (online) presence.

Therefore we have disabled our purchase options.

If you are looking for something you have found in our catalogue, please send us an email (info@toutpetits.com) for availability and shipping costs. We're always willing to check for you to get our products to you when you're unable to get them from our brick-and-mortar store in city centre Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Colin Chameleon


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Colin Chameleon

These are the little gems we cannot resist offering you ourselves. These Jellycat products are not the ones you can buy at every corner. Jellycat focusses on design and quirky cuteness. The softest toys you have ever hugged! Irresistibly cuddly, sophisticated silly, hilariously humorous.

Dimensions 34 × 14 × 20 cm
Our Brands

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