We have created our website more as a catalogue for our customers who come and visit us with all the product we have in stock and not to extend our (online) presence.
Therefore we have disabled our purchase options.
If you are looking for something you have found in our catalogue, please send us an email (info@toutpetits.com) for availability and shipping costs. We're always willing to check for you to get our products to you when you're unable to get them from our brick-and-mortar store in city centre Arnhem, The Netherlands.
?Big and small bottles, juice, milk, lemonade, and so much more besides?. Anton is fascinated by the fact that his filling is made from recycled plastic bottles. Instead of ending up somewhere as landfill, they are giving his body its wonderful shape! Measuring 30 cm tall, our beige-coloured Anton Teddy bear is a wonderfully soft and cuddly Teddy bear from the ?Teddies for tomorrow? series. He has a beautiful round head and a wonderful, tousled plush coat made from PET plush. His contrasting short-pile snout features a beautiful, intricately stitched, triangular nose and Anton Teddy bear wears his stainless steel ?Button in Ear? in his left ear with pride. ?You?re welcome to stroke me?, he encourages his friends. And he smiles happily: ?When children see that you can make Teddy bears like me out of recycled plastic, they?ll be happy to help sort the rubbish!?