Petit pan inside-out

In September 2000, a parcel arrived by post from China. It contained a cute outfit: a small jacket and fleece pants. It was a handmade present sent as a welcome gift from Pan’s mother for her grandson. I loved the richness of the prints: small, sparkling, daring patterns and bold colors as I like them. I was émarvelled by this comfortable and cozy outfit that children in these faraway lands are dressed in. Dressed in his gift, Emile, our son, also seemed to be fulfilled. Thus the story was born Petit Pan in our minds. Myriam De Loor – Designer of Petit Pan.

Emile’s grandfather, Pan Bohua, is a great master of the Chinese kite. He is famous for the giant dragons he flies in the skies of all continents. His work is of great delicacy. He is the one who develops the prototypes according to my drawings for the lanterns and mobiles. Petit Pan

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